

We did a college question essay. It was like 20 facts from the article. Then it was a paragraph on how college is stressful. Because it is. It’s Friday and I don’t have to write anymore of these until Monday. Peace.


ITS THE FIRST OF THE MONTH!!! Yes thank goodness! It’s almost over. Now today we definitely did some questions in illuminate. I did great on these.


Ok now I’m almost positive that we did a test that day. It was like a pre thing though. Like it was notes in illuminate. With that 1 question thing.


We took a test I’m pretty sure. Or pre test. If not then we did notes and wrote things down and covered it all up in illuminate. It’s Tuesday so only 3 more daysssssa.


We didn’t do anything but take notes about some stuff from that site. I think we did a test. I’m not sure. It’s a Monday so it’s kind of sorta definitely boring!


I wasn’t here today. But I know that we presented poems so here’s mines. It’s about Celie’s mindset when she thinks about Shug. And how she said “Shug is this” and “Shug is that”. It’s titled “She Is”


Ok so I know for a fact that we watched the movie today. We wearing reading the book before and we got to the part where Celie is obsessing over Shug. Even though Shug thinks she’s ugly. Then we watched Harpo lose his kids when Sophie took them away because Celie suggested he beat her and he went through with it so now his children are gone!!!