
Showing posts from October, 2022




 We did a test on the story. I made an 85. We did kahoots first. I didn’t do good on it. I was in 7th place. But that’s out of 22 so that’s ok!!! It’s Friday!!!!


 I wasn’t here but I’m assuming we did more of the reading! The story is ok so far. I mean when I left we were almost finished so!!!


Ok this is getting repetitive because all we did was take notes this day and review the story. That was it!


 We did more of the reading. We took notes. And it was ok I guess. 


We started a story. It was cool. I guess. We did some passages. I’m pretty sure we did work on it. I think a pretest.


It’s 10-10. Another day of the same number. That’s been happening a lot lately. Today we did a bell ringer. Took some notes. It was whatever. The day went by kinda fast. So that’s really all!!!


Today we did a pre assessment. We didn’t do any work due to the fact that we had a “college fair” in the gym for most of the period. The fair was whatever. The colleges were all too close. One was literally down the street. Yea no I’m good on that one! They gave stickers and candy and lanyards and chapstick. Then we got to class and went straight to lunch before third period. But it’s Friday so there can be no wrong!!!!!


ITS THURSDAY!!!!!! Tomorrow is Friday!!!! Yes finally the week is almost over. We took some notes down. That’s what we’ve been doing all week. Mainly just reading articles from papers and writing it all down. Today was chill.


We moved seats today. I sit by the door now in a second seat. It wasn’t bad I can see the board closer now. Everyone else kind of hated their seats though. I was moved farther from the people I talk to. I guess that’s the whole goal huh? Yea.


We worked more on the book thingy. We didn’t really do much. I mean it was a Tuesday so nothing major. We had a bell ringer as usual!


Today I’m pretty sure we did another worksheet. Wait no we did the notes from the book. We did some vocabulary words. We did the questions. I was confused because I didn’t know that we had to do the questions but not turn in the vocabulary!


We had a pep rally today. It was fun. But before I think we did a worksheet. I’m not sure. But today went by pretty fast. I mean we had 4th period first today if that makes any difference. 


We didn’t do much. We did some notes. The bell ringer. We didn’t have to do the dumb transition because PSAT testing was over. It was a normal learning day tbh!


PSATS again. We read another one that guys poems. I think his name is Robert. I’m not sure. The poem was cool. The school was Ike wildfire again today. Kinda over it.


We had fall break and came back to the PSAT testing crap. It was unorganized and I blame the school for destroying the whole schedule. It was just dumb. We went to homeroom in last block. Everything was dumb.


BEAUTIFUL STANDARDS- BY BRI’UNNA How can I limit beauty   Is a question that many people ask because of the ridiculous standards that have been set Well here is my question to you  How can I limit beauty to a body and a face It’s impossible  Because if beauty is just in the face then how can someone have legs that has walked a mile in everyone’s shoes If beauty is about this and that than how can someone cry at nighttime when they’re all alone How can something so meaningful be limited when that girl always has a hand to lend Well the truth is beauty can’t be limited to anything besides what it is Because you may hate the way your butt doesn’t pop out in certain clothes Because the guy you like isn’t the guy that you knew But beauty is still all around you Why you ask?  Because beauty is you  It’s not about putting on the right complexion of makeup  It’s about how you want to wear your face to the world  It’s not about being skinny  It’s about being able to see what you already have  A


I wasn’t in school today but even if I was I wouldn’t have went to 2nd period. They said we were in 1st period all day or supposedly so that’s why I didn’t go. I think it’s stupid. And I think Cedar Grove is stupid. I hate this school and I can’t wait to graduate. 


We weren’t on lockdown today so we got to read. We finished the book up. Did some questions. I played Cory in the book. It was fun. Everybody interacted today on the book. And this is technically Friday for me since I won’t be at school tomorrow so yayyyyyyy.


We were on lockdown today. We still didn’t read the book though. But we were in 2nd period for majority of the day. All because of a stupid social media post. We watched a movie. Ate lunch. And then went home. 


Today was picture day. Who cares. So we were stuck in first period for a couple of more minutes than usual. We didn’t read today or do anything. Most of the class didn’t come back to we did absolutely nothing really.


We pretty much just did the story again. Read some lines. I mean school sucks as usual. Nothing really eventful so whatever. This is really short but we seriously just read the book that’s all